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Mid Year Review


Not only is it the start of August, a new month, but also the start of the second half of the year. If you've been to class with me this week, you'll have enjoyed this as our theme . . .

Grab your diary/calendar and your camera roll on your phone.

Month by Month, Jan 2022 - July 2022, make a list of anything that feels significant that you come across. For example, a day trip, a holiday, a new work venture, doctors appointments. Include anything that made you feel strongly - happy, in love, joy, hope, sadness, anxiety, anger.

Next, have a think or write down:

· What would you like the second half of your year to look like?

· What would you like more of?

· What would you like less of?

· What tiny things can you add/take away to your week or day?

I have done this today in my journal for my personal life and my yoga business. It's very impactful and can help bring your life into perspective, offering clarity.

In the first half of 2022, I reopened my yoga classes after maternity leave with one class a week. I am now teaching 4 a week, 5 come September, and am so proud to have crafted some brand new offerings for Winchester - Yoga for Mum's Mental Health & Wellbeing and Mum & Baby/Child Yoga.

If you'd like more time for yourself, some self-care or more physical movement, perhaps I can help with some yoga for you.

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